Labor group, youth oppose destabilization vs PBBM

The Bukluran ng mga Mangagawang Pilipino (BMP) strongly opposed the rumbling issue of the alleged destabilization against the present administration of President Ferdinand “BongBong” Marcos Jr. despite the heated discussion on returning the Philippines as a member and submitting to the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC).

According to Gie Relova, president of BMP, the possibility of allowing the BBM administration to open an investigation into mass killings under former President Rodrigo Duterte’s “War on Drugs” campaign and similar crimes during his tenure as alcalde in the City of Davao can be considered as a result of rumors of destabilization.

The BMP, one of the center of the labor federation in the country, assumes that the Duterte group has a group or ally that seems to be very worried about the possibility of the former president being arrested and tried, so the line spread on social media “no foreign court will can interfere with the legal system of the Philippines”, which is what the destabilizers are saying.

In the analysis of the BMP, it is revealed that the real purpose of the destabilization is to pressure and push back the BBM administration in its inclination to return the Philippines to the ICC.

The membership of the BMP unanimously affirmed that anyone who initiates and implements a heinous crime among our poor countrymen should be held accountable.

In a related report, Youth4IntegrityPH, a youth group, announced its opposition to the threat of destabilization in the BongBong Marcos government.

They consider the few who sow destabilization to be reprehensible and traitors to the people, especially if the person behind it wants to let in the foreigner who wants to occupy our territory.

According to Antonio De Leon, spokesperson of the Youth4IntegrityPH group, “any threat to the country’s order affects the country’s economy, so instead of weakening the administration, let’s help strengthen the country’s governance for the future of the youth.

The group expressed their solidarity with the soldiers of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, Philippine Coast Guard and Philippine National Police in upholding the integrity of the Philippines against anyone who wants to occupy the country’s territory. The youths are referring to the Philippines and China territorial disputes in the West Philippine Sea.