Bulacan gov is in good health condition

CITY OF MALOLOS – As a result of his gruelling official schedules, Bulacan Governor Daniel R. Fernando recently suferred from exhaustion and dehydration. 
Gov. Daniel Fernando
In the past couple of weeks, Fernando has been actively conducting daily relief operations in various locations all throughout  the province to ensure the  welfare of his constituents affected by a  series of typhoons and monsoon rains.
It was known that during an LGBT event last September 11, 2023 at the Bulacan Capitol Gymnasium, Fernando suddenly halted and cancelled his speech, apparently feeling unwell.
He was immediately assisted by Vice Gov. Alex Castro and accompanied him and brought to the hospital and was attended to by his cardiologist, Dr. Berwyn Flores, who confirmed that the reason for the governor’s  “irregular gestures at the event  was  exhaustion, over fatigue and dehydration.”
It was learned that in the last two weeks, the governor was overworked, fatigued and exhaustions since the start of the flood going to affected flooded areas distributing food packs coincided with the celebration of Singkaban Festival, a close family revealed.
Fernando  expressed deep gratitude for the well wishes, prayers and messages of concern from his family, friends, fellow public servants and Bulacan citizens.
His doctors advised him to undergo  medical work ups to ensure  his  overall good health.
Dr. Berwyn Flores said the  governor is able to carry out his public duties “without disruption” and  is expected to come back in full swing after a few days of adequate rest.