1.    SM City Marilao conducted evacuation and rescue simulations participated by agency personnel, affiliates, tenants, and employees in time for the third quarter National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill.

SM malls in Baliwag, Marilao, and Pulilan actively participated in the third quarter Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill (NSED) on September 7.


The actual earthquake drill, attended by agency personnel, affiliates, tenants, and employees, took place during regular mall hours. Evacuation and rescue drill simulations were carried out to increase and strengthen the mall’s Emergency Response Team preparedness and coordination among tasked units. Working hand in hand, the medical as well as search and rescue teams gave first aid treatment to mock-up trauma victims at SM Bulacan malls.

2. An employee does the duck, cover and hold during the National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill at SM City Baliwag.

Staged at exactly 2pm, the drill demonstrated various crisis scenarios of a 7.2 magnitude earthquake to raise public awareness about the proper emergency response during and after this hazard. Participants were evacuated to the open spaces after the simulated earthquake drill.


According to SM City Baliwag Mall Manager Rodora Tolentino, the quarterly drill is significant in preparation for the big earthquake predicted to hit the country anytime. “It is crucial that everyone remain calm and knowledgeable about evacuation and emergency response procedures in the event it happens,” she shares.


On top of the simultaneous nationwide earthquake drill, SM City Baliwag, SM City Marilao, and SM Center Pulilan also conduct an annual refresher course for their employees, agency personnel, tenants, and affiliates on fire and earthquake preparedness. Topics like worst-case scenarios during fire and earthquake, evacuation routes, and first aid treatment were taken up to build contingency plans to meet the realities that a 7.2 magnitude quake will present when it strikes.