DTI OTOP- Program Management Office
The Department of Trade and Industry-Bulacan Provincial Office held a Provincial Orientation on R.A. 11960, known as the “OTOP (One Town, One Product) Philippines Act” on February 22, 2024 at the Hiyas ng Bulacan Convention Center in the City of Malolos, Bulacan.
This was attended by the Local Economic Development and Investment Promotion Officer (LEDIPO), representing seventeen (17) LGUs as part of the Learning Sessions and Capacity Building activities initiated by the PCEDO of the Provincial Government of Bulacan.
This localization activity aims to increase the awareness of LEDIPOs in the implementation of OTOP in the cities and municipalities.
The Orientation was facilitated by Mr. Jerico D. Namoro, Senior Technical Assistant of the Policy and Planning Unit of OTOP- Program Management Office of DTI. He presented the important roles of the Local Government Units in the implementation of OTOP and the salient features of the Act such as the establishment of the OTOP Philippines Trustmark, the Products and Services Covered, the Qualification of Beneficiaries, Program Component and Implementing Agencies as well as its Implementing Rules and Regulations.
DTI R3 OIC-ARD and Concurrent Provincial Director Edna D. Dizon, in her message, said that the enactment of the OTOP Law will further strengthen and level up MSMEs through the interventions that may be availed by MSMEs, leading to the economic growth of the province.
She emphasized the need for innovation and digitalization for competitiveness and business sustainability, which can be addressed by this Act.
The OTOP Law was approved by President Ferdinand R. Marcos on August 24, 2023 with the objectives to provide a package of assistance for MSMEs with viable products for developing and innovating the quality, design, packaging and labeling, compliance to regulatory requirements and standards, that will improve the production capabilities, marketability, and brand development, among others. It intends to assist rural communities in growing the local economy, to promote the convergence of initiatives of relevant agencies and to formulate a national OTOP Strategic Development Plan.