DTI Bulacan Embraced the 2023 PQA Regionalization Program

The Philippine Quality Award (PQA) Program is a national recognition that honors qualified public and private institutions for performance excellence which was institutionalized through RA 9013, also known as the Philippine Quality Award Act.

In 2023, DTI Bulacan Provincial Office supported the PQA Regionalization Program to provide better opportunities to committed and deserving organizations to obtain Levels 1 and 2 Recognitions and encourage them to aim for higher levels of organizational performance and promote continuous improvement, innovation and sustainability.

In 2023, Jedidiah Food Industry One Person Corporation (JFI OPC), a turmeric tea-making business in Pulilan, Bulacan took the challenge to vie for the award and had undergone rigorous evaluation process to assess the leadership, strategic planning, customer and market focus, measurement and analysis, workforce engagement, operations, and results of JFI OPC performance.

On December 22, 2023, the PQA Facebook Page expressed the warm congratulations to all the recipients of the 2023 Levels 1 & 2 PQA Regionalization Program, with JFI OPC as one of the four Level 1 awardees from Region 3. This PQA Award signified JFI OPC’s commitment to quality, efficiency and overall excellence to ensure customer satisfaction and competitiveness for sustainable business.

With the success of this initial move for PQA Regionalization, DTI Bulacan Provincial Office aims to encourage more institutions to strive for quality, take the challenge, and have the honor to become PQA recipients in the future, who are benchmarks and models of excellence.