CIBAC Party-List Rep. Bro. Eddie Villanueva condemns the missile and drone attacks launched by Iran against Israel on Sunday.

“We condemn the missile and drone attacks of Iran against Israel as it put thousands of innocent civilians–Jews, Arabs, Muslims, Christians, and OFWs among others–at risk. With this development, we call on all quarters to practice restraint so as not to escalate the volatile situation into a protracted war,” says the CIBAC solon.
“We condemn such attacks, which are rooted in extremist and genocidal denial of the right of Israel to exist as a nation-state. I call on everyone to continue to pray for the peace and safety of Israel, which is one of our country’s close allies,” adds Rep. Villanueva.
“I also call on all Filipinos to pray for the safety of the four (4) Filipinos aboard the Portuguese vessel MSC Aries, which was hijacked by Iranian authorities on weekend near the Strait of Hormuz between the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman. May God’s divine protection be upon all Filipinos in the Middle East region amidst the on-going tension there,” ends the CIBAC solon.