Camp Gen Alejo S Santos, City of Malolos, Bulacan — An estimated P1.7-million worth of shabu was seized and two drug suspects were nabbed in anti-criminality operations by Bulacan Police in Balagtas town on November 17, 2023.
Bulacan Police Provincial Office (PPO) director PCol Relly Arnedo said that the anti-drug operation was conducted by Balagtas Police Station in Barangay San Juan.
Two drug felon identified only as alias “JC” and alias “JR” were arrested in the said successful drug sting operation.
Police said, approximately 262 grams of suspected shabu, with a Standard Drug Price (SDP) of about one million seven hundred eighty-one thousand six hundred pesos (Php 1,781,600.00), along with marked money and drug paraphernalia were confiscated.
The arrested suspect and the confiscated pieces of evidence were brought to the Bulacan Provincial Forensic Unit (PFU) for appropriate examination.
Criminal complaints for violations of R.A. 9165 against the suspect is now being prepared for filing in court.
The unwavering commitment of the Bulacan PNP to combat criminality and maintain public safety in the province is evident through these intensified police operations.
“The successful operations are a testament to the dedication and effectiveness of law enforcement in curbing illegal drug activities and capturing wanted criminals.”, Arnedo said.